CALL US NOW: (03) 9070 5328

Service Agreement


  • I understand that all referral and funding documentation must be provided to my clinician on or before appointment dates in order to obtain funding / rebates. This includes re-referrals or updated plans with current clinicians;
  • I understand and agree to the fee schedule, and that fees are subject to an annual increase on July 1st of each year;
  • I understand that if my third-party funding is not available, I am required to pay for services;
  • I understand that prompt payment of invoices will ensure ongoing therapy service provision. I agree to the Talking Works’ policy for settling accounts.




  • Payment is due on or before date of your appointment;
  • If off site, text or email office your bank deposit receipt to confirm payment;
  • Full payment is required prior to receiving assessment reports;
  • Mobile & Telehealth sessions require secured credit card details to ensure payment.




  • Late Cancellation Fee (less than 48 hours notice):
    50% of full fee + GST


  • Less than 24 hours notice or Non-Attendance:
    Full session fee + GST

▪ Please note that Cancellation Fee will be waived if appointment filled;
▪ Alternatively, clinicians can provide a telephone consult, letter, or email during the time of your scheduled appointment;
▪ Cancellations are not eligible for Medicare or insurance rebates.




  • Regular attendance at scheduled appointments is likely to lead to improved outcomes and progress in achieving therapy goals.
  • Cancelling/rescheduling three after hours or first appointments of the day within six months will lead to future bookings offered at alternative times.

  • Regular cancellations will decrease the opportunity for treatment goals to be achieved.






If you do not feel comfortable raising your complaint/feedback with your clinician, you can make a formal complaint to the Talking Works’ Complaints Officer.

Complaints Officer: Julio Del Cid
Contact Number: 0424 137 038
Email Address:




I understand that my file will be kept securely for a minimum of seven years after I finish with Talking Works or until my child is 25 years old. The file will be kept longer if legally required.

  • I acknowledge that limits of confidentiality have been explained to me – information is only disclosed under the following circumstances:
        • with the consent of the client or the client’s parent/guardian if the client is a child
        • where there is a legal obligation to do so
        • if there is an immediate & specified risk or harm that can be averted only by disclosing information
        • in the course of supervision or professional training.



I agree with the terms above

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